version 2.2.13 ( updated 3-11-2019 ) - Updated core and epanel frameworks to the latest versions. * core/* * epanel/* version 2.2.12 ( updated 2-6-2019 ) - Fixed broken ET Page Template Settings on WordPress 5.0+. - Updated core and epanel frameworks to the latest versions. * core/* * epanel/* version 2.2.11 ( updated 1-9-2019 ) - Fix compatability with WordPress 5.0+. - Updated core and epanel frameworks to the latest versions. * core/* * epanel/* version 2.2.10 ( updated 6-1-2018 ) - Added an option to disable Google Fonts in the Nimble Theme Options. - Updated core framework to the latest version. * core/* * options_nimble.php version 2.2.9 ( updated 1-20-2018 ) - Fixed bug that was introduced in the last update causing shortcode styles not to be output on the frontend. * epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php * epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes-legacy.css version 2.2.8 ( updated 1-17-2018 ) - Fixed an information exposure bug that mistakenly displayed some small amount of content from password protected posts inside of post feeds as part of the automatically generated post excerpt. If you are using password protected posts, it's important that you update your theme to prevent parts of your password protected content from being seen by your visitors. As part of this disclosure, we have emailed all Elegant Themes customers with detailed information about the problem and how to fix it: - Updated core framework to the latest version - Updated theme options framework to the latest version * core/* * epanel/* version 2.2.7 ( updated 12-06-2016 ) - Fixed ePanel font issues in WordPress 4.6 * core/admin/css/core.css * core/functions.php * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/css/panel.css - Added support for WordPress 4.7's new Custom CSS setting in the Theme Customizer. This will now be synced with the Custom CSS area in the Theme Options and can be edited using either interface. * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/custom_functions.php - Fixed the bug with lowercase theme name, preventing a theme to update correctly, when an update is being performed via Themes page * epanel/custom_functions.php - Fixed updates issues on some sites * core/admin/includes/class-updates.php - Theme Options: Fixed the issue with Reset button, not working properly * epanel/core_functions.php - Theme Options: Added RTL support * epanel/css/panel.css - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.2.6 ( updated 06-20-2016 ) - Fixed some inconsistencies with ePanel integration * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/custom_functions.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.2.5 ( updated 05-06-2016 ) - Updated ePanel styles * epanel/ * core/ - Replaced outdated Fancybox with Magnific Popup plugin * includes/page_templates/js/magnific_popup/ * includes/page_templates/js/magnific_popup/et-ptemplates-frontend.js * page-template-portfolio.php - Upgraded Superfish plugin to the latest version * includes/scripts.php * js/superfish.js * js/superfish.min.js * style.css - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.2.4 ( updated 12-12-2015 ) - Fixed the issue with SEO titles, not working in ePanel * epanel/custom_functions.php - Fixed the issue with a site title, appended to breadcrumbs * includes/breadcrumbs.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.2.3 ( updated 10-23-2015 ) - Fixed the issue with deprecated wp_title function in WordPress 4.4 * header.php * functions.php * epanel/custom_functions.php * includes/breadcrumbs.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.2.2 ( updated 10-21-2015 ) - Added sanitization to Customizer settings * functions.php * includes/functions/sanitization.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.2.1 ( updated 08-18-2015 ) - Fixed issue with WordPress 4.3 that caused shortened post titles and excerpts to not be truncated correctly * epanel/custom_functions.php - Fixed WP_Widget class constructor warning message * includes/widgets/widget-about.php * includes/widgets/widget-ads.php * includes/widgets/widget-adsense.php * includes/widgets/widget-customlogo.php * includes/widgets/widget-search.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.2 ( updated 04-23-2015 ) - Added minor security hardening * epanel/custom_functions.php * functions.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.1 ( updated 02-25-2014 ) - Fixed the issue with slashes added to Name, Subject and Message fields in the contact form * page-contact.php - Fixed the issue with resizing of images that have the x symbol between width and height values in the filename - Fixed the issue with .jpeg images and uppercase extensions in cached files - The theme doesn't strip slashes from custom css now, when saving the option to the database - Removed buzz shortcode ( Google retired Buzz ) - Fixed ePanel SEO home options not appearing on static front page - Better compatibility with WordPress SEO and All In One SEO Pack plugins. ePanel SEO is disabled if these plugins are active now. * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/custom_functions.php * epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 2.0 ( updated 12-23-2013 ) - Now you can update Elegant Themes in the Dashboard: * epanel/custom_functions.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.9 ( updated 09-13-2013 ) - Fixed Tabs shortcode layout issues with the slide effect * epanel/shortcodes/css/shortcodes.css * epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.8 ( updated 08-02-2013 ) - Fixed separate_comments function notice * epanel/custom_functions.php - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.7 ( updated 06-26-2013 ) - Fixed validation issues * home.php * includes/top_info.php - Fixed issue with breadcrumbs in IE8 * js/custom.js * style.css - Removed fitVids plugin * functions.php * js/custom.js * js/jquery.fitvids.js * style.css - Fixed Post/Page Editor Word Count Problem - Fixed issue with left tabs shortcode - Fixed tooltip glitch - Fixed issue with span in pricing table - Fixed get_current_theme warning message. - Fixed the issue with Fancybox videos not working on second launch in WordPress 3.6 - Added shortcodes names to shortcode_atts() to enable filtering List of modified files: * epanel/custom_functions.php * epanel/page_templates/js/et-ptemplates-frontend.js * epanel/page_templates/js/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js * epanel/shortcodes/css/shortcodes.css * epanel/shortcodes/js/et_shortcodes_frontend.js * epanel/shortcodes/js/ * epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php version 1.6 ( updated 05-02-2013 ) - Fixed 'home' link in breadcrumbs - Fixed the bug with ET Search widget, not working properly with non-default permalinks - Integrated Google Fonts options into Customizer List of modified files: epanel/custom_functions.php epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.css epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js epanel/google-fonts/images/all-fonts.png epanel/options_nimble.php functions.php includes/breadcrumbs.php includes/widgets/widget-search.php lang/ lang/de_DE.po lang/ lang/en_US.po lang/ lang/ru_RU.po version 1.5 ( updated 04-02-2013 ) - Integrated the default WordPress image system. It makes the theme work better on shared hostings and provides compatibility with plugins ( JetPack, WP Retina etc. ). Please, regenerate thumbnails after theme update ( ). - Full compatiblity with WPML plugin - Added 'Custom CSS' option to ePanel Nearly all files have been updated this time. Please, make sure you update all files. version 1.4 ( updated 02-04-2013 ) - Fixed slider issues in IE10, Opera and iOS - Centered the slider image * js/jquery.flexslider-min.js * js/custom.js * style.css - Fixed border radius on images in Opera - Fixed pricing table more button width in Chrome - Fixed 'slighly shaking elements' bug * style.css - Removed wrong options from ePanel * epanel/options_nimble.php - Fixed extra breadcrumbs on 404 page * 404.php - Fixed post meta information strings in the german translation * lang/de_DE.po * lang/ - Corrected issue with placeholder text removal before comment form submission - Fixed scrolling slider issue on iOS - Fixed 'Shortcode Slideshow Only Displays 11 Images' issue - Added alt attribute to the imagetab shortcode - Fixed update notification notice in WP-Admin - Fixed image issues with clean WordPress Multisite 3.5 installation - Added et_videolink_embed custom field ( it provides the way to use video embed code for posts in the Portfolio page template ) - Improved ePanel functionality - Improvement: Contact form error notifications are translatable via localization files now - Code improvements * 404.php * changelog.txt * epanel/core_functions.php * epanel/custom_functions.php * epanel/import_settings.php * removed epanel/js/jquery-ui.min.js * removed epanel/js/jquery.form.js * epanel/options_nimble.php * epanel/page_templates/js/et-ptemplates-frontend.js * epanel/page_templates/page_templates.php * epanel/shortcodes/js/ * epanel/shortcodes/js/et_shortcodes_frontend.js * epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php * functions.php * home.php * includes/additional_functions.php * includes/breadcrumbs.php * includes/entry-portfolio.php * includes/entry.php * includes/featured.php * includes/widgets/widget-about.php * includes/widgets/widget-ads.php * includes/widgets/widget-adsense.php * includes/widgets/widget-customlogo.php * includes/widgets/widget-search.php * js/custom.js * js/jquery.flexslider-min.js * lang/ * lang/de_DE.po * lang/ * lang/en_US.po * lang/ * lang/ru_RU.po * loop-page.php * loop-single.php * page-blog.php * page-contact.php * page-gallery.php * page-login.php * page-search.php * page-sitemap.php * page-template-portfolio.php * style.css version 1.3 ( updated 12-06-2012 ) - Updated image resizing to utilize WP_Image_Editor object, available in WordPress 3.5 ( ) * epanel/custom_functions.php version 1.2 ( updated 12-04-2012 ) - Fixed ePanel active tab issue in WordPress 3.5 * epanel/css/panel.css - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.1 ( updated 10-21-2012 ) - Fixed portfolio images description on iPhone and iPad * js/custom.js * style.css - Removed 'Featured Slider Animation' option in ePanel * includes/featured.php * epanel/options_nimble.php - Fixed featured image size on fullwidth pages * loop-page.php - Fixed slider with one slide issue * js/custom.js - Fixed text rendering on Mac - Bumped version number * style.css version 1.0 - initial release